Fragen an die Kandidat*innen für die EU-Kommission
Anfang Oktober müssen sich alle Anwärter*innen für die Posten in der neuen Kommission dem Parlament stellen. Jeder Ausschuss organisiert hierfür Anhörungen mit den Kandidat*innen, die für die jeweilige Arbeit relevant sind. Im Rahmen des Ausschusses für Binnenmarkt und Verbraucher*innenschutz (IMCO) sind dies Sylvie Goulard und Margrethe Vestager. Im Folgenden könnt ihr meine Fragen, die ich gemeinsam mit Input von Twitter-Nutzerinnen erstellt habe, lesen. Es wird sich noch herausstellen, wie viele Fragen die Grüne/EFA Fraktion im IMCO-Ausschuss überhaupt stellen darf , aber vermutlich werden es nur drei. Deshalb wird diese Woche erst noch beschlossen, welche Fragen wir auswählen und stellen können. Danke an alle, die mitgemacht haben!
In the beginning of October, all candidates for the positions in the new Commission must present themselves to Parliament. Each committee will organise hearings with candidates relevant to the work in question. For the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO), these are Sylvie Goulard and Margrethe Vestager. Below you can read my questions, which I created together with input from Twitter users. It remains to be seen how many questions the Greens/EFA Group in the IMCO Committee may ask at all, but probably only three. That is why this week it will still be decided which questions we can select and ask. Thank you to everyone who took part!
Sylvie Goulard
- We hear that you plan to regulate disinformation and hate speech in a „Digital Services Act”. We all know that the algorithms used by big online platforms, like YouTube and Facebook, amplify pieces of disinformation and the speech because these corporations make a huge profit with such content. In the Code of Conduct on Hate Speech, this basic contradiction is not tackled. Wouldn’t you rather focus on other means like independent fact-checking organizations for disinformation, or effective law enforcement and prosecution in the MS for hate speech crimes?
- We know that AI systems are trained with huge data sets. In the upcoming Commission proposal on AI, are you going to propose a legal framework to ensure that developers of AI and automated decision-making systems take proactive measures to counteract discrimination and disadvantages for consumers? And are you considering a European Supervision Authority or rather regional or sectorial regulators?
- Regarding the legislative process of the „Digital Services Act“, how will you ensure that all stakeholders voices are equally heard, when a few big tech companies have a much greater lobbying power than everyone else, such as small companies or civil society? How are you going to avoid excessive influence of a few big players like Google, Facebook…? And are you planning to fundamental rights impact assessment during the drafting process for the Digital Services Act?
Margrethe Vestager
- In the past years, a few US-based digital platforms have gained significant market power, harming competition and creating a barrier to the creation of innovative European digital services. What will be the strategy to create a level playing field? What will be potential concrete measures to re-establish consumer choice in Europe as regards the use of social media platforms, online markets, search and video services? Would you consider establishing a European platform?
- In your last role as Commissioner for competition, you were known for cracking down hard on the abuse of market power in the digital environment. Right now, we are witnessing competition authorities implementing data protection law into their decisions. How are you planning on combining the different legal tools available to reign in overly powerful market players in a coherent way?
- What are your plans to promote technological sovereignty in Europa, especially in the digital sector? Are you going to focus on high standards for fundamental rights and data protection which our European industry can cater for or do you considering lowering those standards?
- How are you going to ensure that the better regulation guidelines which include a broad public consultation and an impact assessment will be followed for the legislative proposal on Artificial Intelligence which Commission-President Von der Leyen has promised for the first 100 days?
- Are you in favour of a European Supervision Body for the development and use of algorithmic-decision-making systems in addition to national and/or sectorial authorities?
- Currently, different models are under discussion to make non-personal data available – on the one hand for research purposes and in order to train self-learning systems (AI) and on the other to break monopolies based on data property. What do you think about the trustee model and how would make sure that non-personal data does not lead to harm for consumers when aggregate on a bigger scale?
- We know that AI systems are trained with huge data sets. In the upcoming Commission proposal on AI, are you going to propose a legal framework to ensure that developers of AI and automated decision-making systems take proactive measures to counteract discrimination and disadvantages for consumers? And are you considering a European Supervision Authority or rather regional or sectorial regulators?